

YEH leaders bring the creativity and leadership of the youth to the forefront by creating a sense of social responsibility in them. In 1990, The Hunger Project-Bangladesh was initially established by students at the University of Dhaka as a chapter of The Hunger Project’s international Youth Ending Hunger initiative.

Today, trained Youth Ending Hunger leaders meet monthly in chapters across the country – planning activities to improve their communities initiating various social action projects. YEH Leaders organize campaigns on issues such as nutrition, education, environment, tree planting, pluralism and income generating activities. They also arrange debates, various Olympiads including math, environment, democracy etc., thematic competitions, roundtables and blood donation camps.

The YEH network has 30,755 active members in 1,371 units across the country. There are two major types of youth units; educational institution based and community based. The YEH units form their own national and regional forums using democratic practices.  

Youth are choosing to engage themselves in socio-economic development in their community.

The Social Action project helps to fell in-depth that they are socially responsible with studies. On the basis of a stronger sense of social responsibility, youth are working effectively with a difference.

Workshop & Training for the Youth Development

Besides the basic training program, different type of training & workshop according to community need assessment which includes Violent Extremism, Pluralism, Gender, Drag Abuse, Child Rights,  Right to Information, Peace & Harmony, and Documentation etc. Youth leaders leading Study Circle, Debating Club, Library, Language Club, Reading and Writing Competitions etc. for self-development.

Virtual Training

200 young people got online training through Crew Platform on `Youth and Pluralism’.