Our first campaign has been completed on 11.05.21 where environment-friendly and sustainable trees have been provided to the locals.
Campaign Target Area: Green Team's target area was a village of Fulbari, Kurigram.
Campaign objectives:
-To make the region green.
-To provide knowledge and create awareness about eucalyptus.
-To decrease eucalyptus tree plantation and encourage for environment-friendly tree plantation.
-Planting trees would reduce pollution.
-To prevent soil erosion.
Importance of providing sustainable trees:
-Combat the greenhouse effect.
-Clean the air and soil; Provide oxygen.
-Cool the streets and the area.
-Conserve energy.
-Help to prevent soil erosion and pollution.
Expected Outcomes:
We abled to convince the locals of that village to grow more environment-friendly trees. Eco-friendly and sustainable trees have been provided in all houses which have at least 5 or more eucalyptus trees. And everyone has pledged that they will no longer plant eucalyptus trees. Our volunteers maintained proper hygienic instructions and avoided crowds while interacting with locals.
After completing this campaign we felt really good from deep inside not just because we completed our task but we also fulfilled our moral and ethical responsibility of caring about others.
The seedlings we planted yesterday might grow into a huge trees providing shade and oxygen to others. We might not be the ones getting benefit from but we can prove helpful to these benefitting from our efforts.
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